Cookie Policy


I Dati Personali sono raccolti per le seguenti finalità  ed utilizzando i seguenti servizi:

Commento dei contenuti
I servizi di commento consentono agli Utenti di formulare e rendere pubblici propri commenti riguardanti il contenuto di questa Applicazione.
Gli Utenti, a seconda delle impostazioni decise dal Titolare, possono lasciare il commento anche in forma anonima. Nel caso tra i Dati Personali rilasciati dall’Utente ci sia l’email, questa potrebbe essere utilizzata per inviare notifiche di commenti riguardanti lo stesso contenuto. Gli Utenti sono responsabili del contenuto dei propri commenti.
Nel caso in cui sia installato un servizio di commenti fornito da soggetti terzi, è¨ possibile che, anche nel caso in cui gli Utenti non utilizzino il servizio di commento, lo stesso raccolga dati di traffico relativi alle pagine in cui il servizio di commento è¨ installato.

Sistema di commento gestito in modo diretto (Questa Applicazione)
Questa Applicazione dispone di un proprio sistema di commento dei contenuti.
Dati personali raccolti: Email e Nome.

Interazione con social network e piattaforme esterne
Questi servizi permettono di effettuare interazioni con i social network, o con altre piattaforme esterne, direttamente dalle pagine di questa Applicazione.
Le interazioni e le informazioni acquisite da questa Applicazione sono in ogni caso soggette alle impostazioni privacy dell’Utente relative ad ogni social network.
Nel caso in cui sia installato un servizio di interazione con i social network, è¨ possibile che, anche nel caso gli Utenti non utilizzino il servizio, lo stesso raccolga dati di traffico relativi alle pagine in cui è¨ installato.

Pulsante Mi Piace e widget sociali di Facebook (Facebook, Inc.)
Il pulsante “Mi Piace” e i widget sociali di Facebook sono servizi di interazione con il social network Facebook, forniti da Facebook, Inc.
Dati personali raccolti: Cookie e Dati di utilizzo.
Luogo del trattamento : USA – Privacy Policy:

Pulsante Tweet e widget sociali di Twitter (Twitter)
Il pulsante Tweet e i widget sociali di Twitter sono servizi di interazione con il social network Twitter, forniti da Twitter Inc.
Dati personali raccolti: Cookie e Dati di utilizzo.
Luogo del trattamento : USA – Privacy Policy:

 Widget TripAdvisor (TRIPADVISOR)
Il widget TripAdvisor  sono servizi di interazione con il sito TripAdvisor
Dati personali raccolti: Cookie e Dati di utilizzo.
Luogo del trattamento : USA – Privacy Policy:

I servizi contenuti nella presente sezione permettono al Titolare del Trattamento di monitorare e analizzare i dati di traffico e servono a tener traccia del comportamento dell’Utente.

Google Analytics (Google)
Google Analytics è¨ un servizio di analisi web fornito da Google Inc. (“Google”). Google utilizza i Dati Personali raccolti allo scopo di tracciare ed esaminare l’utilizzo di questa Applicazione, compilare report e condividerli con gli altri servizi sviluppati da Google.
Google potrebbe utilizzare i Dati Personali per contestualizzare e personalizzare gli annunci del proprio network pubblicitario.
Dati personali raccolti: Cookie e Dati di utilizzo.
Luogo del trattamento : USA – Privacy Policy: Opt Out:


Cookie technical
cookies in activities strictly necessary for the functioning and service delivery;
cookies relating to activities of saving and optimization preferences (for example, cookies flash player if you do not exceed the duration of the session cookie to save the cart or preferences on language / currency);
cookies statistics, where used directly by the site operator to collect information in aggregate form.

Cookie profiling
cookie profiling advertising first- or third-party;
retargeting cookies;
cookie social networking;
cookie statistics fully managed by third-parties.

This platform uses “cookies” in relation to its operation, in order to obtain information. A cookie is a small data file size that is transferred to your device (eg. Your phone or your computer) to store certain information. For example, a cookie may allow the platform to recognize your browser, some cookies can keep track of your preferences or store other information.

It is possible that your web browser allows you to set cookie management by the same, such as the refusal to accept any cookies or asking her to decide whether to accept each cookie. Please, however, keep in mind that some parts of the platform may not work as expected or fail to work without cookies.


This platform can place cookies on the user’s device. Consequently, the Privacy Policy will apply to the processing of information that has been obtained through cookies.

Business partners may place cookies on the user’s device. For example, using Google Analytics for web analytics services, Google may place cookies on your device. Third-parties may also load cookie on the user’s device for advertising purposes.

The Platform uses two types of cookies, “persistent cookies” and “session cookies”.

Session cookies normally expire when the user closes the browser, and persistent cookies remain on your device even after the browser is closed and can be used again the next time you access the Platform.

Other technologies
The platform can make use of other technologies with capabilities similar to those of the cookies, such as web beacons and tracking URL for Log data about users. You may also use web beacons and tracking URL in messages that are sent to subscribers, to determine if a message is opened (Newsletter, for example) or had access to a certain link.

Cookies Purposes
This platform uses cookies for various purposes, such as for example, the following:

1) to enable, facilitate and optimize the operation of the Platform in the transition between the different pages and browsing sessions;

2) to simplify access to the platform and the use thereof by the user and to make such use more smoothly;

3) to monitor and analyze the performance, operation and effectiveness of the Platform, in order to be able to improve and optimize;

4) to show content (whether or not containing advertising) most relevant to the user.


Cookies partners have the function to obtain information in order to help them provide services to the Owner. For example, third-party vendors, companies or individuals who are responsible for providing services, could track the user’s behavior on the platform to market and advertise the ads or services to the user on the platform and on third-party sites. Third-parties using cookies and other tracking technologies to provide targeted advertising on this platform and / or third-party sites may make available to you ways to avoid receiving such targeted advertising by choosing not to receive more by using the feedback functionality opt-out at the sites of industry groups, for example, of Your online Choiches ( You might also be able to control advertising cookies provided by publishers, for example the Ad Preference Manager of Google( Please note that if you choose not to receive targeted advertising (opt-out) may still receive advertising on the platform, but it would not be more tailored to his interests.

In addition, Facebook, through the platform, place a cookie that allows Facebook to obtain Personal Information in aggregate form and not personal, useful for the optimization of its services. For example, if a user clicks on an advertisement of any mobile application on Facebook and then install this application, such cookie inform Facebook that someone (unidentified) has installed the application after clicking on the ad. This cookie may also inform Facebook that a user is using the application, without identifying the specific actions taken by the user application.

Disable cookies
Most browsers automatically accept cookies, but you can change its settings on your browser to refuse to accept cookies by going to the Help section of the toolbar of your browser. If you choose to decline cookies, please note that you may not be able to enroll, make customizations or use certain features of the interactive platform. Flash cookies work differently from browser cookies and cookie management tools available in the browser will not remove Flash cookies. To know more about how to manage cookies flash, can visit the Adobe website (, and make changes in theGlobal Privacy Settings Panel ( documentation/en/flashplayer/help/settings_manager02.html).

Changes to this Policy Cookie
This Cookie Policy may be changed at any time.


Treatment modalities
The Holder is the Personal Information Users’ taking all necessary security measures to prevent unauthorized access, disclosure, modification or unauthorized destruction of the Personal Information.
The treatment is carried out using computers and / or computer, with organizational methods and logic strictly related to the purposes indicated. In addition to the owner, in some cases, they may have access to the data categories of personnel involved in the Site (administrative, commercial, marketing, legal, system administrators) or external parties (such as third-party technical service providers, mail carriers, hosting providers, IT companies, communications agencies) appointed, if necessary, responsible for processing by the Owner. The updated list of Managers can be requested from the Data Controller.

The data are processed at the operational headquarters of the Data Controller and in any other place where the parties involved in the treatment are located. For more information, contact the owner.

The Data are kept for the time necessary to perform the service requested by you, or required by the objectives described in this document, and the User can always ask for discontinuation of treatment or deletion of data.


The User Data is collected to allow the Owner to provide their services, as well as for the following purposes: Comment content, statistics and interaction with external social networks and platforms.

The types of Personal Data used for each purpose are given in the specific sections of this document.


The Personal Data are collected for the following purposes and using the following services:

Comment content
The services allow Users to formulate comments and make public its comments regarding the contents of this application.
Users, depending on the settings chosen by the owner, they can leave comments even anonymously. In the case of the Personal Data provided by the User will be the email, this could be used to send notifications of comments concerning the same content. Users are responsible for the content of their comments.
In the case in which is installed a service of comments provided by third-parties, it is possible that, even in the case where the Users do not use the service of comment, the same collect traffic data about the pages in which the service is installed comment .

Commenting system operated directly (This Application)
This application has its own commenting system content.
Personal data collected: Email and Name.

Interaction with external social networks and platforms
These services allow you to make interactions with social networks or other external platforms directly from the pages of this Application.
Interactions and the information gained from this application are in any case subject to the User’s privacy settings related to each social network.
If an installed service interaction with social networks, it is possible that, even if the users do not use the service, the same collect traffic data about the pages in which it is installed.

Like button and social widgets for Facebook (Facebook, Inc.)
Click “Like” Facebook and social widgets are services of interaction with the social network Facebook, provided by Facebook, Inc.
Personal data collected: Cookie and data usage.
Place of treatment: USA – Privacy Policy:

Widgets to TripAdvisor (TripAdvisor)
The  widgets are services of TripAdvisor to interact with the website TripAdvisor, provided byTripAdvisor LLC
Personal data collected: Cookie and data usage.
Place of treatment: USA – Privacy Policy:

The services contained in this section are used to the Owner to monitor and analyze traffic data and are used to keep track of User behavior.

Google Analytics (Google)
Google Analytics is a web analytics service provided by Google Inc. (“Google”). Google uses Personal Information collected for the purpose of evaluating the use of this application, compile reports and share them with other services developed by Google.
Google may use this personal information to contextualize and personalize the ads of its own advertising network.
Personal data collected: Cookie and data usage.
Place of treatment: USA – Privacy Policy: Opt Out: